By: Sopi Nur Paidah, Isti Handayani S.TP, MP, Pepita Haryanti, S.TP, M.Sc
Kesumba keling (Bixa Orellana L) commonly called annatto is a plant that has long been known and used for medicine and health. Annatto is rich in carotenoid pigments, namely bixin (nonpolar) and norbixin (polar). In addition, annatto also has antibacterial activity because it contains saponins, phenols, and tannins. The three main commercial processes commonly used to extract the active compound from dried annatto seeds are direct extraction into oil, direct extraction into aqueous alkali, or indirect extraction with organic solvents. Annatto extraction using aquadest is one of the profitable alternatives because aquadest is an edible, easy-to-obtain, and inexpensive solvent. This study aimed to obtain the antimicrobial activity of annatto seed extract. Extraction was carried out by maceration for 10 minutes, with a stirring speed of 2000 rpm at various extraction temperatures (70, 80 and 90˚C). Aquadest as solvent and E.coli as pathogenic bacteria (test bacteria). The potential of annato seed extract as an antibacterial was tested by measuring the clear zone and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results showed that annatto seed extract had the potential to inhibit E.coli. Increasing the extraction temperature causes an increase of inhibition. The diameter of the clear zone was 4.33-6.10 mm (weak to moderate inhibitory activity category) and MIC resulted in an extract concentration of 10%.
Keywords: antimicrobial, seed annatto, temperature
*This poster was presented in The 6th International Conference of Indonesian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria and Gut Microbiota (6th ISLAB) on 13th August 2021
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