By: Wulandani, B.R.D.,Kisworo, D., Bulkaini., Sukirno., Yulianto, W. Haryanto, K.A.
Lebui nut (Cajanus sp) has been known to have antioxidant activity. The results of Devi et al., (2016) showed that the total content of phenolic compounds, the total content of flavonoid compounds and the IC50 value of lebui nuts on antioxidant activity against DPPH free radicals were 57.20 (mg GAE/g extract); 49.43 (mgQE/g extract); and 0.84 (mg/ml extract). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of lebui nut extract on the viability of lactic acid bacteria and the antioxidant activity of yogurt produced. The results indicated that the phenolic compounds contained in yogurt added with lebui nut extract did not contain components that had specific bactericidal activity on the culture starter. It was seen that on the first day of refrigerator storage (4oC), the number of lactic acid bacteria remained at 108 log CFU/g and only showed a decrease in the number of lactic acid bacteria to 107 log CFU/g until the end of the storage process in the refrigerator (4oC). Antioxidant activity of yogurt with the addition of lebui nut extract occurred at the 7th day of storage in the refrigerator. It was assumed that on the 7th day, lactic acid bacteria were able to metabolize phenolic compounds through hydrolysis of phenolic glycosides to aglycone so as to increase antioxidant activity until the 7th day of storage in the refrigerator.
Keywords : Yogurt, goat milk, lebui nut (Cajanus sp.), lactic acid bacteria, antioxidant activities.
*This poster was presented in The 6th International Conference of Indonesian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria and Gut Microbiota (6th ISLAB) on 13th August 2021
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