By: Merkuria Karyantina, Sri Anggrahini, Tyas Utami, Endang Sutriswati Rahayu
Jambal Roti is a traditional fermented fish product which famous in Java. The raw material used is catfish (Arius thalassinus). The manufacturing process includes weeding, salting for 3 days followed by drying with sun drying for 3 days. During the manufacturing process, there is an overhaul of proteins, fats and so on. Protein degraded will produce bioactive compounds that have the potential as Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme inhibitors. The aimed of this study was to examine the role of Lactobacillus plantarum 307 during the process of making jambal roti with 25% salt content. The results showed that the ACE inhibitory activity increased compared to the fresh product from 53% to 78.30%. The number of lactic acid bacteria decreased in number at the end of the study. The levels of peptide, soluble protein and total protein increased, indicating that fish protein was degraded into simpler components.
Keyword : Jambal roti, Arius thalassinus, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitor, Lactobacillus plantarum 307
*This poster was presented in The 6th International Conference of Indonesian Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria and Gut Microbiota (6th ISLAB) on 13th August 2021
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